Week 4 Post 2: Websites I enjoy visiting


I read an article last year featuring local bloggers of San Diego and one of them was Francesca Felix. I went to her website, and I could see clearly why she had been featured in that magazine. I like to visit her site because it has beautiful images and the font choice matches her branding. She is fashion forward, and I admire her style.

I think it's effective because there isn't much copy that will bore me. When there is too much to read I usually skim through it, but that is not the case with her website. She is straight to the point about her topics which are generally about traveling and fashion.

The concept principle is clear, she only talks about travel and fashion. The evidence of contrast that I found is that she has large images in the top fold of her website and she has smaller images below that on the right side, and then on the left below that image. She has a zig-zag pattern going on. There is also evidence of hierarchy, and that's listed by most current fashion trends to past fashion trends.

Finally, it is easy to use because there are only 4 menu options and you can scroll down each page and find good current information.

I like coming back to her page because I signed up to her newsletter and whenever she sends one out, I am reminded of her and her exciting content.

I don't see anything that could be improved on her page. She seems like a professional and seems to either know what she is doing or working with someone who knows what they are doing.


BabyCenter is effective because they have their menu listed in the center, but when you scroll down it transforms into a hamburger menu, so it doesn't bother me when I am reading the rest of the content. I don't have a baby anymore, he is a big kid now, but I have been visiting this site for over 9 years now, and it keeps improving every time.

They have kept branding colors and kept updating information as new research is discovered. They have a community of parents right on their website, so you don't have to go to another site such as Facebook to engage with others.

The ease-of-use is something I want to emphasize, because unlike Frank Vinyl's website, this one does have a lot to read, but the information is so easy to find, and it's put into bits and pieces to make it easy to "digest."

Their typography is childlike and suits branding well, and the branding colors are neutral which gives me a good vibe about the brand because they aren't showing preference over any gender.

I go back to the website because it's educational and I like the community of parents there that share the same interests about their child's growth. I also enjoy reading the articles which are very informative and helpful.

The only thing I think could be improved is the alignment of their content. It's mostly to the left, and there are ads on the right side which I think should be smaller and far right. They should have their developer edit the code to make it 100% cover the size of the monitor that a visitor is using. So it's not hanging on the left.


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