Week 14 ads

Social Media Ads 

The first ad pictured is for Facebook, and the objective is to drive traffic to my website. It's slideshow ads with beachy themed music. Other than the images of the blankets, it has 4 additional photos of camera straps, earrings, and two different models. The objective of this ad is to drive traffic to my website in hopes of generating a sale. So far the ad has had 648 impressions and no sales. I went ahead and targeted groups in San Diego County-based off of the results of the analytics of women interested in my page on Instagram. 

The Instagram advertisement pictured below is targeting customers within a 30-mile radius of Vista (where I reside) and targeting women in the age range of 24 through 35 which, as mentioned before, are the ones interested in the type of products I have for sale. In this ad, I am only targeting those women who are interested in photography, and anything about it. This is a relatively new product that has been trending for almost 7 months now, and other companies are selling it for over $100. I am selling them for half of that. I hope to generate sales from this ad too.

The ads below are advertisements that I have used to gather demographics. This made sense because a former marketing professor recommended doing this. I thought my target market was totally different and by doing, this I was wrong. My target market online is very different in comparison to those I have in person. It's odd! 


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